StoryBolt’s M-Pathi™ Inclusion Events
Use Documentary Film and Empathetic Conversation
to Achieve Measurable Attitude Change
That Boosts Inclusion and Innovation


We Open The Minds That Grow Your Company

  • Develop Empathetic Leaders

    When diversity training under-performs, it’s a failure to achieve change in perspective, seeing things from the view of another, a lack of empathy. StoryBolt’s unique M-pathi™ methodology ignites empathy to support up to a 50% drop in employee turnover rate.

  • Measure Impact at Scale

    StoryBolt active online learning sessions draw from over 4000 films, as well as hundreds of filmmakers and subject matter experts. We create a shared experience for up to 1000 people per session, measuring awareness and attitude change toward inclusive behaviors.

  • Watch Innovation Flourish

    In a post pandemic world, companies are faced with constant crises that demand adaptation and innovation. StoryBolt develops the soft skills needed to tap into the full contribution of your diverse talent and build ROI based on 19% higher revenue from new product innovation.




For L&D Leaders

Discover the future of training with StoryBolt’s AI-assistant, your all-in-one tool for crafting, promoting, and measuring engaging and effective learning experiences. Elevate group learning sessions effortlessly, embodying innovation and engagement.



For ERG Leaders

ERGs engage diverse communities to drive equity and inclusion, so it’s vital that ERG leaders plan programs to boost membership and allyship. StoryBolt’s documentary films and candid filmmaker conversations provide inspiring DEI experiences you can host to observe monthly community celebrations throughout the year.

For Team Builders

Develop your team’s active listening and open communication skills to achieve better decision making and outcomes. Our DIY team building kits offer affordable and convenient learning experiences, using DEI principles, packaged as documentary storytelling, filmmaker insights, and workshop guides.


For HR Leaders

People skills are required for employees across their life cycle to build inclusivity in response to increasing workforce and customer diversity. Through film choice and engagement, we tailor M-Pathi™ active online learning programs to support your core values and develop empathetic leaders.


Tens of Thousands of Minds Changed


I’ve learned to listen, to face my own biases, and to always have my eyes wide open along with my mind.

Powerful, informative, and encouraging to myself to take ownership and be a more active ally.

As a gay Hispanic this was very refreshing. There are people that don’t mean to be mean or rude, they just don’t know how to come across.

Really interesting film. I did not expect this film to have a huge effect on me. I am not alone!


About Us

StoryBolt is a corporate inclusion training company. We are passionate about storytelling to create empathy and impact at scale. Our team of educators, film producers and HR specialists develop science-backed methods for soft skills training. StoryBolt’s Mpathi™ active online learning methodology draws from our platform of 4000+ documentary films and filmmakers, and from facilitator partners, to deliver measurable attitude change toward inclusive behaviors that drive innovation.

Connect with Us


We’re excited to hear about the culture you are building and your DEI objectives. Let’s discuss how StoryBolt’s M-Pathi™ active online inclusion training brings unique value to your programs and initiatives by:


✓ Generating empathy through storytelling

✓ Engaging change through open conversation

✓ Motivating inclusive behavior through shared experience